Confraternity of Holy Souls

By Gary Radomski, Lay Coordinator AOD Confraternity for Hoy Souls
And Livonia Area Family of Parishes
I wanted to give you an update on the Confraternity for Holy Souls Ministry. Our next meeting will be at 7 pm on Wednesday, May 15th, in the School Cafeteria. Please come and join us as we move forward in this NEW MINISTRY. Please feel free to invite family, friends, or others who might want to” Pray for Holy Souls.” It is our duty to “help the faithful Know and understand how to pray for the souls in purgatory. Also, to know and understand the Church’s teaching on indulgences. The Four Last Things (Death, Judgment, Heaven, and Hell). It is my hope we can also work with and join many of our established prayer groups for the parish and parish families. (Rosary Group, Knights, Men and Women Groups, Funeral Group, Cristian Service, Evangelization, Gospel of Life, Grief Ministry, ) Hope to see you then. If you are unable to attend PLEASE KEEP us and the Holy Souls in your Prayers. God Bless
St. Gertrude Prayer for Souls
“Eternal Father, I offer you the Most Precious Blood of your Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the Masses said throughout the world today, for all the Holy Souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, and for those in my family.