Sensory Friendly Mass

Sensory Friendly Mass
10/23/2022, 8:00 AM 9:00 AM
St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church

A Sensory Friendly Mass is a way to include all our family members at Church and cater to children and adults with Autism, Down Syndrome, Alzheimer's, Dementia, and other cognitive and developmental disabilities. The differences you will notice are lower lights in the Church, softer music, and a shorter homily. Our hope is to provide an inclusive experience for all our families.

We want this Mass to offer parents and families positive support and acceptance who can struggle with stigmas and concerns that their children are interfering with others who are praying.

Let us join in welcoming our special guests in a sensory-friendly way as we invite and embrace all our families to become one in Christ.

When: Sunday, October 23rd

Time: 8:00 am Mass

Fellowship with Coffee and Donuts will be available after Mass.

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