"Consider this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each must do as already determined, without sadness or compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. " 2 Corinthians 9:6-7
St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church is a qualified tax-exempt charitable organization under the United States Internal Revenue Service Code section 501 (c)(3). All contributions whether made to our Church or to our School are tax-deductible as long as no goods or services are given in exchange for those donations. We rely totally on the generosity of our parishioners to pay our bills and maintain our campus.
Ways to Gift

A bequest is a transfer of cash, securities, or other property to the parish that you make through your will or living trust. A bequest to St. Michael the Archangel Parish can be made for a specific amount, for a percentage of your estate, or even for all or a portion of what is left in your estate after you have made specific bequests to your family and loved ones.
Therefore, it is necessary to have a valid will or trust in order to accomplish your goal of leaving a legacy to the Church as your final act of stewardship. And setting up a bequest gift is fairly simple. You may make a bequest by including the following language in your will:
"I bequeath to St. Michael the Archangel Parish, Livonia, Michigan (you may state a percentage or exact amount) to be used or disposed of as an unrestricted gift for its general purposes.”

- Credit card or ACH, please visit
- Checks, please make payable to Catholic Foundation of Michigan, include in the memo “Gaels Legacy Fund” and mail to:
Catholic Foundation of Michigan
1145 W. Long Lake Rd.
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 - For gifts of securities, contact the broker or financial advisor to transfer a specific number of shares of a named security directly to the Catholic Foundation of Michigan account at the broker listed below. Donor will need to give their advisor the following information:
Firm Name: Merrill Lynch
DTC #: 8862
CFM Account #: 68904676
Account Title: Catholic Foundation of Michigan
Tax ID: 81-4107324 - Qualified Charitable Distributions from your IRA—If you are aged 70½ or older, you have the opportunity to save on taxes and make a Qualified Charitable Distribution from your IRA. With this direct transfer from your traditional IRA to a qualified charity, you satisfy your minimum required distribution for the year. IRA Qualified Charitable Distributions are income tax-free.
To learn more about how you can support the Gaels Legacy Fund, call 248-204-0332 ext. 1 or email [email protected].