Ways to Give » Church Scrip

Church Scrip

Lisa Hudy Ext. 210
Scrip is "no-selling" fundraising used to raise money for St. Michael the Archangel Church. Grocery stores such as Larry’s, Busch’s, Kroger, Westborn, and Joe's Produce give our church a percentage back from your purchase. Other stores sell gift cards to St. Michael church at a discounted price. When you purchase the gift cards at face value, the church realizes the difference as profit.
You will not spend any extra money by using scrip! You earn money for the church through your regular weekly spending on groceries, gas, eating out, etc. 
Easy Scrip Ordering - Orders are placed on Monday mornings from September - May and are available on Friday of the same week. Click for the "Church Scrip Order Form". Add stores not listed on the order form in the column at the lower right. See RaiseRight for a list of all stores. You can drop off your order at the Parish Office or in the collection basket during Mass. Orders can be picked up in the Parish Office.
Larry's Foodland and Westborn Market rechargeable cards are available on the Scrip order form.
Special orders for companies wishing to make purchases for employee incentives or gifts are welcome.
Meijer, Busch's, and Kroger Shoppers
Meijer- Meijer gift cards can now be purchased in increments of $25, $50 and $100. You can purchase these cards from the order form.
Kroger Enrollment and Re-enrollment, To enroll or re-enroll,
  1. Go to the Kroger Michigan Community Rewards page by clicking here.
  2. Sign in:
    • If you already have an account, enter your email address and password. If you forgot the password, please cllick on “Forgot your password?” and follow the instructions.
    • If you are enrolling for the first time, click on "Get Started. Sign Up Today" to first create an account.
  3. Enter your email address
  4. Find your organization by typing in your organization’s NPO number church number is 83063.
  5. Click the “Select Your Organization”
  6. Click the” Save Changes”
This will take up to one week before your Kroger card is linked to the church. After one week, please check the bottom of your receipt to see that St. Michael Church is listed as the organization receiving the credit.
Busch's Cash For Education
To participate in Busch's Cash for Education Program, you must follow the instructions below.
  1. Create a Busch's Shop My Way account via Busch's website. Enter your name / phone # / email address.
  2. You will receive a confirmation email from Busch's -- follow the link to activate your My Way account. Create a password for your account.
  3. Once you create a My Way account, link your saving to our school through the drop-down menu. Choose Cash for Education. Select St. Michael School for each quarter.
  4. During your next shopping trip, your Busch's My Way account will start accumulating credit for St. Michael School with quarterly statements showing your total purchases and percentage earned. St. Michael school will receive 5% of your spending if you pay by cash, check, or debit card. If you pay by credit card, St. Michael will receive 3% back.
  5. Participants must reselect St. Michael School each year, beginning in October, for the following year to continue to receive credit.