Sacraments » Baptism


livonia st. michael baptismHaving Your Baby/Young Child Baptized

Baptism is the first of the three Sacraments of Initiation in the Roman Catholic Church. During the Sacrament of Baptism for an infant or young child, the child’s parent and god-parent make a promise to God and to the Faith Community to raise their child in the beliefs and traditions of the Church, as well as to encourage the child to develop into a faithful Roman Catholic adult.
St. Michael Catholic Church is here to help you with this process and to support your child’s faith journey. If you are interested in having your child baptized at St. Michael, we encourage you to contact Patrick Cummings.
Baptisms at St. Michael occur the second and third Sunday of the month following the noon Mass.

Baptism Class

Baptism classes are held every other month, in the evenings, from 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM for parents and god-parents; at least one parent is required to attend one of these sessions, and god-parents are welcome. Advance registration is required; please register here >. During the Baptism class, parents will complete a form that includes your desired baptism date.
It is customary to have two god-parents. At least one god-parent must be
  • A Catholic who has been baptized, confirmed, and has received Holy Communion
  • At least 16 years of age
  • Actively living the Catholic faith
The second god-parent may be either a Roman Catholic or Christian from another denomination who may serve as a Christian witness to the Baptism. Both god-parents should be able to attend the Baptism.

livonia st. michael baptismSchool-Aged Children and Adults Seeking Baptism or Entrance into the Catholic Church

If your child is schooled age or you are an adult seeking Baptism, please contact Patrick Cummings, at (734) 261-1455 ext. 215 or [email protected].