Parish Bulletin
The Weekly Bulletin is important to St. Michael's communication with parishioners. The Bulletin publicizes current events, announcements, programs, schedules, and calendars. It provides brief capsules of information on virtually every ministry happening. Bulletins are available at all weekend Masses or by downloading the current versions below.
If you have an article you would like considered for the bulletin, please submit the information to the Parish Office by 10 AM on the Friday before the following weekend of the published bulletin. All articles are subject to approval and space limitations. Please note we ask for articles and pictures to fit in a 400 x 300 px space.
Please note that bulletin deadlines may shift due to holiday deadlines from the publishing company.
Event / Group Promotion
To advertise your group or an event through our bulletin, social media, and website, please submit all your information at least six weeks before the beginning of the event. If you would like to submit an article for the bulletin, please keep the graphic and information in a 400 x 300 px space, just about 1/6th of a page. Please work with our Director of Marketing, Lauren Waligora, to help start your promotion by emailing [email protected].