Unleash the Gospel » What is Unleash the Gospel

What is Unleash the Gospel

Unleash the Gospel is a movement powered by the Holy Spirit and a radical change for the mission of the Catholic Church in SE Michigan. The purpose of Unleash the Gospel is the missionary transformation of every person and parish in the Archdiocese of Detroit. It is about taking the message of Jesus outside the church pews into every fabric of our lives, families, work places, and the culture. This is not a "new" program to get on board with but rather, a radical change of heart for how we bring the message of Jesus into the world.
It is not something we do individually but a communal task, a work of the whole mystical body of Christ to which we belong. As disciples of Christ, we are asked to take action. The first step is to be formed in the faith. At St. Michael the Archangel Church, we have many opportunities for each individual to grow in faith and to become a joyful missionary disciple.