Offertory Gifts
Carrying the gifts to the altar is a beautiful experience; you can play an integral part in the sacrifice of Mass. Everyone is invited to actively participate in the celebration of the Mass by presenting the gifts of Bread and Wine at the Offertory.
Sign up to take up the Offertory Gifts for a certain date and/or Mass in the vestibule of the church. At least four people are needed. Please indicate how many people will be taking up the gifts. The ushers will find extra people if needed.
Please arrive prior to Mass and check in with the ushers. During Mass, when the ushers start taking up the collection, please go to the back of the church by the offertory table. The altar servers (with candles) will come to the back of the church. Follow them back up to the altar. Father always takes the water and wine cruets first. After giving Father all the gifts, please bow and then return to your seats.