Liturgical Ministries » Ushers


SMAUSHThe ushers are a group of men and women who help out during the weekend and Holy Day Masses. The role of an usher is to be the welcoming, smiling face of St. Michael Parish. Ushers greet people as they arrive, assist those who are in need of anything, take up the offertory collection, guide people to Holy Communion, pass out literature, and tidy the church after Mass. The time commitment per Mass is about ten to fifteen minutes. Ushers are expected to check-in when arriving at the church for Mass, dress appropriately, and wear a badge during the mass to be easily identified by parishioners. Nine ushers are needed at each Mass.
Ushers are also encouraged to be involved in cooking or serving at any of the six breakfasts held during the year. It is not all work and no play. We do have fun at these events!
Ushers meet during the school year on the 2nd Wednesday of the month from 7:30-9:00 PM in the Rectory conference room. Meetings are not mandatory but are informative.
Any parishioner who is interested in becoming an usher should contact Steve Bolin for more details. The only requirement is that we ask each usher to be at least 14 years old and confirmed.